The Bug

I am building a mobile visual programming app for Bluno and its compatible devices. Long story short, there is a bug on both IOS and Android that convinces me that Blockly is not doing things right.

When I swipe my fingers across Blockly workspace, sometimes the rest of the HTML page stops responding to taps or swipes. At first I thought it was issue of event binding of touchStart and mouseDown. I changed all my onClick attributes to Blockly.bindEvent_ calls. It worked for some time until I can’t scroll the Arduino code text view.

I spent two days debugging and found the bug.

The fix

On a touch device with multitouch support, multiple touchStart events can be fired together. This causes multiple calls to Blockly.WorkspaceSvg.prototype.onMouseDown_ event handler.

    if ('mouseup' in Blockly.bindEvent_.TOUCH_MAP) {
      Blockly.onTouchUpWrapper_ =
          Blockly.bindEvent_(document, 'mouseup', null, Blockly.onMouseUp_);
    Blockly.onMouseMoveWrapper_ =
        Blockly.bindEvent_(document, 'mousemove', null, Blockly.onMouseMove_);

This code binds multiple events to the document element but only the last call actually registers the event handler wrapper, which will consequently be called in the global Blockly.onMouseUp_ handler.

This can cause event handlers for mouseMove and mouseDown linger in the document node, causing other elements on the DOM tree to disfunction.

The fix is relatively straightforward.